


It kinda feels like we're in college...

Probably because we are. But I forgot that 'summer break' feeling. All of our friends are packing up and leaving for the summer. By next week all that will be left is the promises of a renewed friendship come Fall. I am having serious flashbacks of freshman year... But without the hope of an awesome roadtrip to comfort me. :) On the upside, if this is college, then I guess that makes Clark and Linds our 'high school' friends, which fits well, since we will be seeing them the first week of break! We live a good life.

PS Both girls are napping in their own bed right now. I don't even know what to do with myself. Weird.

1 comment:

Linds said...

I can't wait until it feels like I'm on summer break, holding your sweet baby and basking in the Dallas sun! You're the best.